A Princess Carriage

We rode our bikes to pick Audrey up from school a couple Fridays ago. The kids were all still playing on the playground and were extremely interested in why and how we were picking Audrey up with bikes.

"Where is she going to sit?"

"Who's that little boy?"

"Where's your car?"

"She's going to ride in that yellow thing?"

As we rode away, the kids ran along the fence, watching Princess Audrey being pulled away in her carriage bike trailer by her knight on a white horse daddy on a mountain bike.

"Bye Audrey!"

"That's so cool!"

The ride home is pretty cool, mostly because it's entirely downhill. My speedometer showed 21mph and I wasn't pedaling. So cool, in fact, that Austin fell asleep.


  1. Sounds like fun! BTW_ great use of the cross-out feature!


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